Physical Therapy Services in Delafield for Women & Children
Physical Therapy at Trimotion Therapy is different from physical therapy at other practices. If you have ever had PT before, you know that a good portion of your experience was about receiving exercises that you can learn, and then take home to practice.
Physical Therapy at Trimotion Therapy starts with us listening to you to learn about what challenges your body. We want to know about you - to learn about what you need to do, and want to do in your life. These are an important part of the scope of “you” that make you the person that you want to be. We are women health specialists with pelvic health expertise. We have expertise and understanding of how a woman’s body functions at different stages in her life, and how that may impact therapy and healing. We have expertise and proven programs for people with chronic conditions, chronic pain and movement challenges.
Physical Therapy begins with listening to you. Then we listen to what your body tells us: how you move, how you breathe, how your body systems interact, and how your central nervous system reacts to both your challenges, and to your daily life. These are pieces that show us where we can help you to find a more effective way of doing things to meet your challenges and improve your overall health. Together we create a partnership and agree on a plan that can help move you to a healthier state of being in body, mind and spirit.
We use a combination of hands-on physical therapy, help you to listen to your body, and then integrate your body’s improvements into your life through body and movement education. We not only show you and tell you the how to, but also the “why” behind it so the you can understand how your body works. Myofascial release is our preferred method of therapy because of it effectiveness and gentle application. Dr. Emily is an Expert Myofascial Release Therapist and holds the highest level of training available.
Pain and dysfunction are often caused in part by excessive tightness in the body, which in turn puts pressure on pain sensitive structures of the body. Physical therapy services include myofascial release, which is a gentle therapy that releases the body's tension and strain, allowing the body's structure to find balance
Myofascial release is only part of the treatment. Once the body’s structures are open and balanced, we use movement re-training and neuromuscular re-education to help keep the body open and working the way it should be working, so the the body’s tension does not build again. Often we create your unique movement program using yoga to incorporate, awareness, strengthening and stretching - a program that gives you a tool to help you continue to feel even better.
Often pain and medical conditions cause an increase of stress in life. Stress can significantly impact the body, and that the outcomes of stress can be physical, mental and emotional. With our physical therapy services, we can help you create strategies to become more aware of the stressors in life, and help you to learn ways to manage that stress within your body.
We also recognize that some conditions are chronic, and while improvements can be made, sometimes the underlying condition will continue to exist. We work with you to create strategies that help you manage your condition and help to maintain the improvements that you have realized. We also work in partnership with other medical professionals and counselors to provide even more resources for your care.
Bottom-line, physical therapy at Trimotion Therapy is focused on you, and how we can help you to create a healthier state of being in mind body and spirit, while improving the energy and quality of your life.
To learn more about Physical Therapy or to book an appointment, call Trimotion Therapy at 262-754-1650.